About Us

Your Academy is here for you.

Mission: The mission of the Texas Academy of Family Physicians is to promote the health of all Texans by serving the needs of members and advancing the specialty of family medicine.  

Vision: TAFP empowers family physicians to play a robust role in health care for their patients and their communities.

TAFP strategic plan: TAFP’s strategic plan focuses on helping members care for patients.

What is TAFP?

The Texas Academy of Family Physicians is the state’s largest medical specialty organization, with more than 9,000 member physicians, residents, and medical students throughout 33 local chapters. TAFP serves the family medicine community and provides a unified voice for family medicine as it continues to be one of the most patient-oriented public health groups in Texas. The American Academy of Family Physicians, TAFP’s parent organization, maintains a membership of more than 100,000 members in 50 states, Washington D.C., Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Guam.

TAFP is governed by a board of directors. The board establishes and reviews Academy policy and plans during the TAFP Interim Session, TAFP Annual Session, and at other times throughout the year. Members also serve on TAFP committees and councils where they study, analyze, and make informed policy recommendations to the board.

TAFP advocates legislation impacting family physicians and their patients. The Texas Academy of Family Physicians Political Action Committee (TAFPPAC), the political voice of family medicine in Texas, speaks on behalf of Texas family physicians and their patients through grassroots involvement, personal relationships with elected officials, and political campaign participation and contributions. TAFPPAC is a non-partisan political action committee that supports candidates who support issues important to family physicians and their patients.

The Academy wishes to equip family physicians with beneficial tools for the continual improvement of the specialty. To do this, TAFP promotes the constant education of members to assist them with meeting the required 150 credits of approved continuing education every three years to retain membership. This requirement may be met through continuing education programs, publication or presentation of original scientific papers, medical school or postgraduate teaching, residency training, and more. TAFP offers three in-person CME symposia throughout the year: Annual Session and Primary Care Summit, C. Frank Webber Lectureship, and the Texas Family Medicine Symposium, and one virtual symposium called TAFP Pulse.

The Texas Academy of Family Physicians Foundation, organized in 1960, supports educational and scientific initiatives of family medicine to improve the health of all Texans. Through the generous contributions of members, corporations and friends, the Foundation is able to raise and distribute funds for medical student scholarships to future family physicians, for research, for family medicine student interest group activities at medical schools in Texas, and for family medicine resident activities.

TAFP was founded on March 16, 1948, as the Texas Academy of General Practitioners, making it the fifth chartered state chapter of the AAGP. J. B. Copeland, MD, served as the first TAGP president. Once the American Academy of General Practitioners changed its name to the American Academy of Family Physicians, Texas soon followed suit.

Family physicians belong to the only medical specialty that provides comprehensive, whole-body care to all people, regardless of age or gender. 


TAFP is here to help. Don't hesitate to contact us with your thoughts, questions, and concerns.

Email – tafp@tafp.org

Phone – (512) 329-8666

Fax – (512) 329-8237

Texas Academy of Family Physicians
12012 Technology Blvd., Ste. 200
Austin, TX 78727


Tom Banning | Chief Executive Officer and Executive Vice President
tbanning@tafp.org | ext. 122

Kathy McCarthy | Chief Operating Officer
kmccarthy@tafp.org | ext. 114

Jessica Miley | Director of CME and Compliance
jmiley@tafp.org | ext. 134

Jonathan Nelson | Director of Communications
jnelson@tafp.org | ext. 126

Paige Newman | Special Projects Coordinator
pnewman@tafp.org | ext. 136

Heather Osborne | NPI Program Specialist and TAFP Conference Specialist
hosborne@tafp.org | ext. 113

Juleah Williams | Membership and Workforce Development Manager
jwilliams@tafp.org | ext. 135

Samantha White | Digital Media & Communications Manager
swhite@tafp.org | ext. 116

For media inquiries about the Texas Academy of Family Physicians, contact:

Jonathan Nelson | Director of Communications
jnelson@tafp.org | ext. 126

Samantha White | Digital Media & Communications Manager
swhite@tafp.org | ext. 116

Tom Banning | Chief Executive Officer and Executive Vice President
tbanning@tafp.org | ext. 122

Send press releases by mail or email:

Texas Academy of Family Physicians
Attn: Samantha White
12012 Technology Blvd., Ste. 200
Austin, TX 78727

Need the expert perspective of a family physician? We’ll help you find one!

Contact Jonathan Nelson at jnelson@tafp.org.