New data supporting PeriPAN to prevent maternal deaths

The recently released Texas Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Review Committee and DSHS Joint Biennial Report 2024 recommends that clinicians utilize the Perinatal Psychiatry Access Network (PeriPAN) to reduce maternal mortality. Why? Because:

  • Mental health conditions are a top cause of pregnancy-related deaths.
  • 100% of deaths among perinatal women due to mental health conditions were deemed preventable.
  • 85% of mental health-related deaths occurred 43 days to 1 year postpartum, after the standard postpartum OB visit.
  • Systemic access to care is an underlying contributing factor to these deaths.

As clinicians who see the whole family, your engagement with PeriPAN is crucial in addressing this crisis. As you encounter mothers, PeriPAN can help you support their mental health needs. Here are five ways PeriPAN can support you so you can care for the mental health of your patients and perinatal women you encounter in your practice:

  1. Peer-to-peer consults with a mental health clinician, including a reproductive psychiatrist.
  2. Guidance after a positive screen for a postpartum mother in your clinic.
  3. One-time direct patient consults that are free and fast.
  4. Vetted referrals and resources within one business day.
  5. Frequent mental health CME offerings.

PeriPAN is free, fast, and here for you to clarify diagnosis and next steps in care. Call or text us for real-time support from a mental health professional. Together, we can improve maternal mental health outcomes and save the lives of Texas women.

(888) 901-2726